Key West Tarpon

Anna and I were on a much needed time off in Key West wehn we visited
Robbies of Islamorada. A pretty cool place where there are a massive
amount of Tarpon come to feed. It all started when Robbie saved an
injured tarpon and started to feed it. Soon it started bringing
friends and now there is a bunch that show and a new market and side
show created. I got a little too close yesterday as I was dangling the
bait when a 10 foot long one latched onto my hand. They don't have
teeth to speak of and it feels more like a bit of sandpaper. A kid
came up and was very scared. I am always amazed at where people learn
how to fear things. It seems more and more people are learning how o
fear more than anything else. I gave the kid a fish and said, "It's
OK. It doesn't hurt." Then I looked at my hand and saw all the blood.

No worries. Just little scratches that alwasy look worse than they
are. Anna even got in there to feed. But she was smarter than me than
to let them swallow her arm.


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