When someone you photograph dies

Carlos Gonzalez was a man that I met once and for about 30 minutes. He was the only one to respond to a failed personal project called "Tree Hugger." It was to be a series of portraits of people and their relationships to trees (quotes and individual stories). I put an ad in a few places including craigslist and although a ton of people responded, only Carlos showed. I never considered the shoot a total loss because of him. We had a wonderful conversation about Guerrilla Gardening. Check out this blog and see for yourself. http://www.guerrillagardening.org/.

Well I was just informed yesterday that he passed away. It made me very sad and as I was bringing up the images to provide to his partner of 27 years, I couldn't help but wonder how many things he did to help beautify the world around us. I was always meaning to contact him to do a photo story about him, but kept blowing it off. Now it is too late. I am glad I met him for that short amount of time though and will always appreciate that, but will wonder what kind of project we could have done together to make more of a difference.

"Never let yourself regret a missed opportunity" - Chip Maury
May he rest in peace.

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