Lots of projects. So little time in my life

It is very very very important to have personal projects. They help to feed your creativity beast and allow you to learn new things without loosing a client if you screw up. I currently have a ton of projects going. One issue that sometimes arises is loosing track of your time and letting some of them fall to the side. But when I finally do catch up on them, I feel even more fulfilled inside than ever. Because I am accomplishing a goal that I set on MY time for ME. When it is done it is MINE and nobody gave me a deadline, I did. Nobody was hounding me to get the product to their office so they can use it for their benefit. 
One such project is my one:one project. So titled for the use of a 60mm Micro lens set at a 1:1 ratio to photograph faces. It takes an average of 150 to 200 images to complete a face and a few hours to get these images together on a file that ends up being in excess of 5GB in size. My final goal is to print these images in their full size of average 10 feet high.
This is one of my most recent ones of my 8-year-old son, Corbin. He was very patient for me for the 5 minutes it took to photograph him. Next to put together is my 4 year-old neice, Victoria. Do I need to say how fun that was to get her to sit still for five minutes?

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