Latest editions to the 1:1 project

This is an ongoing project I have been working on. The project
involves taking upwards of 150 to 200 images with a macro lens and
then putting them back together again. I finally took some much needed
time to put these faces together. It takes some time and effort to
match the photos because of so many different variables these each
come together differently every time. One thing that is really hard to
show is the grand scale of this project so I will explain a little.
Just think of a file size that averages over 110 inches by 120 inches.
On this file 150 to 200 separate 12 Megapixel images are put together.
When completed, each file ends up being between 5 to 8 GB in size
(depending on the size of the face and amount of images). It is in
hopes that when I have a final selection of images, I will start
pursuing having extremely large prints made. The way I want to see
this is for a print to be in excess of 10 feet tall and a viewer to be
able to walk close to the print and not see ANY loss in quality.
Why do this? I am fascinated with the human body. Every one is
different. Skin color, texture, hair, complexion, etc. We live as a
society where we all want to be meet some sort of criteria. We also
live our lives by showing the world what and who we are from a certain
distance. NOBODY sees another from this close except for ourselves in
our bathroom mirrors.

The follow on to this project is to start photographing body parts in
the same way a person would photograph a mountain scene. Even better
would be to shoot the entire body in such a way. Who knows. I'll show
you when I got it.

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