What are you DOing lately

"Times are tough." When have they not been. It seems it is a human condition to either complain about something or be happy about something. Which condition do you do the most? Yes people are having tough times right now. We could cry about it or move on and do whatever I can to make the best of it. The industrial age is gone and the information age is here. Deal with it.

That said, I want to mention something about sources of information. It is everywhere. There is a chance that if you are reading this blog it is because you seek some form of knowledge, inspiration, entertainment or something new to complain about from my information. A good investment? I hope so.

One thing is for certain. If you aren't doing something to learn something new every day then you will fail. You will get run over. You will die on the vine. And 9 times out of 10 you will blame the economy, the government, the weather or any other element other than yourself.

Here is a phrase I learned a long time ago.

The CHOICES we made in our lives led us to be hear this very minute doing this exact thing. They where ALL DELIBERATE AND ON PURPOSE. They where YOUR CHOICES and no one else's.

It is the choices you make from this point on that will take you to where YOU WANT TO BE or DON'T WANT TO BE. They are also DELIBERATE and ON PURPOSE. The are no one else's.

If you make yourself realize this daily and understand this in your mind as true, then I think you will start to consciously make better choices.

That said, I make choices to read, do, or learn something new daily. The best times are when it is something that makes me a little uncomfortable. A challenge to push myself. Either creatively, spiritually, physically, etc.

Everybody has seen those muscle-bound guys. Those 'monsters' with ginourmous arms. Or the ones who are so obese that they can no longer walk, yet they are at McDonald's. Both were not born this way (small percentages excepted of course). Both made choices. Both are living the way they want or don't want. It either takes a lot of hard work to get to that place in life or no work at all. Both provide results.

Ever do 100 push-ups? How many on the first time trying?

Now if you have read this far and not deleted the page or moved on to something that doesn't challenge you, then great! I will now give some great advice.

Amanda Sosa Stone and Suzanne Sease are two amazing consultants. I met them both a while ago and the little info they did share with me was quite amazing. They really care about helping others and especially focused on photographers. Yes they do this as a business which helps them to survive in life. But they just put out a book that I am sure is going to be a winner. It will be something that will challenge people and put things frankly which is what we need in these days of laziness and blame.


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