Joey Lawrence shoots the 'Twilight' movie poster at 18

There are sometimes people that you look at and wonder, "How in the world." What element was added in their mix of life that propelled them to such a level so fast. Is it that natural God given talent? Is it being spanked/not spanked as a kid? Are his parents very wealthy? Or can we all thank Google for this? What is it? I look at Joey Lawrence and ask that very question. I remember when I picked up a camera at 13. I remember the years it took me for light bulbs to go off. To this day, I still wonder what I am doing now that I will be wishing I 'didn't do' or 'did more of' when I am 40. It's that whole saying, "If I knew then, what I know now." Well, If we can think about it in the opposite sense maybe we would do more now so we can be better off tomorrow.
I look at an incredible talent like Joey Lawrence and am simply amazed as to the abilities a young person can have at such a young age. Joey picked up a camera when he was 7 years old. Corbin has been taking pictures with Daddy's camera since he was 5. Does this mean Corbin will have the potential? Maybe. I don't know. All I know is no matter what my son is interested in. I have to support it and provide all the opportunities in the world for him.

Check out Joey Lawrence's website at

Also read the article about him and the movie poster deal at
Best of Luck, Joey, on your next 18 years!!!

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