The Backyard Project defined

I recently sent an email out to my friends and mentors for suggestions into what I should call my project on shooting living creatures in backyards around the world.

Thank you to my friends for your input on the backyard project. Words sometimes are just as important as the image when justifying an idea and purpose. The following are suggestions from everyone I emailed.

-"The Backyard Project : A Study of Living Things"
-"The Backyard Collection: A close-up visual study in the art of living"
-"The Backyard Collection: A Close Up Visual Introduction to life both Big and Small."
-"Big and bug ... Small things made big."
-"Where the Wild Things Are"
-"Backyard Beasts and Bugs"
-"Backyards and Life Within"
-"Beetles, Spiders and Toads...oh my"
-"The Backyard Project: It's Not Such A Small World After All"
-"The Backyard Project: The World At Your Feet"

My favorite is

"Where the wild things are"

But I don't even want to risk anybody associating my project with the famous children's story. ESPECIALLY since I just found out that Spike Jonze (dir. Being John Malkovich) will be releasing a movie about the book next year.

For now, I think I am going with "The Backyard Project: A close-up visual study into the art of living."

I feel "A close-up visual study into the art of living" says it all because the purpose of this project is to show the details, colors, design of all the creatures that inhabit our backyards. From major cities to backwoods, these guys survive in a way that can only be associated with an art of living.

I don't want to use contrasts between big and small or beasts and bugs because until I shoot an elephant in a backyard in Africa I can't say I am shooting big. And to me, beasts are in all sizes and include bugs. Shoot a 1/4 inch spider with a micro lens see his teeth and he jumps at you. You will give the same response as any other beast. I guarantee it.

Thank you so much for all your help.
God bless,

1 comment:

Jim V said...

Aaron. You are right that the words are important. I like your favorite too but when I read it I immediately thought of the book. Your second choice to me is a bit clinical or academic sounding. I really dig the beetles and spiders and toads...oh my. I'm send your link to a word smith friend of mine who works in PR to see what she thinks. Nice images dude!!!