Amy R shot at 1 to 1

When not chasing after critters in the backyard, I also have been working on another personal project. It's been in development for about 3 years now and I am very excited to see how it is turning out. 
I call it the 1to1 - Up close and very personal.
This is a socially significant fine art project conceived, developed and created by me. Be sure to check out my website built specifically for this at

This images is one of my latest. The file is 45,000 pixels by 48,000 pixels. That's 2.16 GIGAPIXELS. Wow. My poor computer.

In real terms this is a 12 foot by 13 foot print. 

What this also means that printers can't handle this. It will take each image to be printed separately and then put together manually. Which is what I am proposing for an installation… coming soon!

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