One of my biggest projects yet- Anabella, the first 6 months

It has been tough for me to keep up with my blogging these past 6 months. I typically enjoy it and make every effort to take the time to do it, but I have since found that I have spent more time with my most recent and most important project yet. This one is going to take me a long time and countless man hours to make it perfect and I am sure it is going to be a complete success. We are calling her Anabella.

I do hope to be revamping this blog soon though. On top of the addition of Anabella, I have also started school for a Bachelors in Advertising. This isn't a total career change, but more of a career enhancement. I see myself moving more towards not just being a talented photographer, but also a Creative Director. Just adds more tools to my bag. So far this year I have stayed on the Dean's list so I must be doing something right.

So now expect more positive and inspirational blogs geared towards not only creative photography, but now how it fills it's place in the Advertising world... or something like that.

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